yoohoostudio is a creative playground exploring the character of architecture.

In a time saturated with instantly gratifiable digital expression and continuously correlating online relationships we find ourselves disconnected and in need of tangible interaction.

Communication with our spatial circumstances have never been more imperative for balancing an engagement with our surroundings while embracing the extensive networking of the modern world. 

The term “yoohoo” is a nod to this social harmony.

A salutation representing the civic responsibility of architecture to communicate and tie the built environment to the people that inhabit it, in order to bring the best out in both.

J. Austin Fleming embodies a combination of design realms inherited from three schools of thought. Kids growing up display a clear distinction of what they are interested in. This distinction represents strengths we implement in the design world...



the lego kid
Building construction is a highly dynamic and complex enterprise. The range and sophistication of expertise required to design and construct contemporary buildings is increasing rapidly. A successful design or construction professional must be prepared to cope with an exploding amount of information, mesh together the growing range of products and assembles, coordinate diverse specialties, and manage both design and construction processes.

the sandbox kid
Nature provides endless models, designs and processes to imitate and gain inspiration to solve human problems. Nature has learned: what works, what is appropriate, what lasts. This viewing and understanding of nature introduces a knowledge based not on what we can extract from the natural world, but what we can learn from it.

the gamer kid
In cyberspace, architecture is much more like a liquid than a static artifact. Cross-disciplinary principles borrowed from game design and information technology industries help us achieve this unique state of design flux in virtual architecture, where form and function become deeply and dynamically intertwined. In this case, the aid from new technologies allows for exploration in the digital realm for experimentation that produces our greatest innovations.